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Local installation

Note: flyvis is only tested on Linux.

Create virtual environment

  1. Create a new conda environment: conda create --name flyvision python=3.9 -y
  2. Activate the new conda environment: conda activate flyvision

Option 2: Using venv

  1. Create a new virtual environment: python -m venv flyvision_env
  2. Activate the virtual environment: source flyvision_env/bin/activate

Clone repo and install

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Navigate to the repo: cd flyvis
  3. Install in developer mode: pip install -e .

For development, documentation, or to run examples, you can install additional dependencies: - For development: pip install -e ".[dev]" - For documentation: pip install -e ".[docs]" - For examples: pip install -e ".[example]"

Note: We make flyvision available on pypi soon to simplify the installation process.

Download pretrained models

After installation, download the pretrained models by running:

python scripts/

Make sure to run this command from your active flyvision environment.